Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First Post-Op Checkup

This post will be short because, well, the checkup was short.  After a rough night of sleep due to wrestling the goggles all night, I woke up with dry, but surprisingly clear eyes.  I drove to the 20/20 Institute and sat in the waiting room for about 5 minutes before I was escorted back to the exam room.  I have to mention again, I have never waited more than 5-10 minutes for any appointment which is great, especially since all my appointments are on work days.  The optometrist that day was a new one (to me) but still very friendly.  After giving me a few eye drops he asked which of the lines on the eye chart I could make out.  I could read most of the bottom line (I mistook an O for a C) with both eyes and it turns out that line is the 20/15 line!  He made a joke about how they can't call themselves the 20/15 Institute but that that is a goal.  I know that vision can, and probably will, change slightly over the next month but I hope mine stays the same!  It's amazing to me that this procedure works so well and so quickly.  The doctor did mention that there was a fiber under one of the corneal flaps but that it wouldn't affect my vision.  (Affect vs. effect, I hate these two words, just use one for all occasions!)  I was a little thrown off so I didn't ask what the fiber was.  I will ask today at my appointment but I'm thinking it is a cornea fiber.

Anyway, that was it, just a quick look at the eyes to make sure everything was healing and I was on my way to work.  The dryness has slowly been getting better.  The first night I could barely make it past 9:30pm before I couldn't stand it (even with all the eye drops) but now I'm making it past 10:30pm without having to use the artificial tears too often.  The biggest pain for me is worrying about the corneal flap and wearing the goggles at night.  I finally took a nap yesterday without them (I was home with a sick N) and it was glorious.  I slept a few hours last night without them but would wake up every hour or two worried that I had rubbed my eyes so I put the goggles on for the last couple hours.  Also, the drops, specifically the artificial tears, are pretty sticky and gunk up your eyelashes.  I use a Q-tip, very carefully, to clean them off but I'd still prefer to just stick my face under the shower stream and rub my eyes.  Oh eye rubbing, how I miss you.

Another update after my appointment today.  Here's hoping my vision is still 20/15!

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