Thursday, July 11, 2013

You got a break

Three weeks after injuring my hand playing softball I finally decided to go to the doctor last Wednesday.  The injury originally occurred on June 12 when I dove to catch a line drive in the outfield (I did make the catch and doubled a guy off first base...I shouldn't mention that we lost by 10 runs) and my glove got caught up in the grass and bent my hand backward.  Initially I thought it was just a sprain but after the swelling went down I noticed a small bulge on the top of my hand.  I still had full use of my hand/fingers but my whenever I put any pressure on my ring finger, or pushed down with my ring finger, I felt a jolt of pain in the top of my hand.

Fast forward to last Wednesday, I went into the room to get my x-rays and the x-ray technician (xrt) had me hold my hand three different ways for x-rays.  After the last one the xrt and I have the following exchange of words:

xrt: Are you right or left handed?
me: Right handed.
xrt: You got a break.  OK head back to your room and the doctor will be in to see you soon.

As I was walking back to my room I started to think, did she mean I got a break that I injured my non-dominant hand or that I broke my hand?  Of course I had to sit in the room for another 10 minutes trying to figure what she meant before the doctor came in and told me that I had in fact broken the fourth metacarpal bone on my left hand.  Immediately I had visions of a large cast on my left hand/arm that would pretty much ruin any chance to swim at Flathead Lake, make running in the heat miserable, and make life challenging overall.  I was pleasantly surprised when the doctor pulled out a Galveston Metacarpal Brace that can easily be adjusted and removed whenever necessary.  I didn't get to see the x-ray so I don't know exactly where or which direction it was broken but based on the bump on my hand and the description by the doctor the bone broke up (as opposed to sideways) and this brace should push it back into place while it heals.  I was a little skeptical at first but after a week it's already feeling better and is not very sensitive to pressure anymore.  Although I need to wear it as much as possible I think I'll still get to do a little swimming when we're in Montana next weekend.

Last weekend was my sister's wedding!  It's hard to believe that my baby (25-year old) sister is married!  The wedding was a lot of fun and we're happy to welcome Mickey to the family.  Thank goodness he goes by Mickey because I can't imagine how confusing it would be to have three Mikes in the immediate family!  I'm a little sad that they are only going to be around for another month and a half before they move out of the country but I'm excited for them.  Our two girls, along with Mike's three girls, were flower girls in the wedding and I'm proud to say they did a great job!  

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